Hey Chumbi Gang. It's time for another Chumbi Tuesday video by Nikki AKA Chumbi Girl. She covers the following:.

18 Jul 2023, 07:51
Hey Chumbi Gang! 💚 It's time for another Chumbi Tuesday video by Nikki AKA Chumbi Girl./ She covers the following: Crafting Explained. Crafting Bench design complete. UI & Mechanics complete (with video preview!) New Structures (Design complete for Forest Cabin & Shipwreck. Fishermans Hut is WIP) Chumbi Totems Explained (Design completed) 💟 : Watch Here: --------- CRATE ISSUE We have an update about your crates coming in the next few days! We are very happy to have resolved the problems. Keep an eye out for an update on this. Have a great day ahead! 🫶